Civil Liberties

Anarcho-Activist Adam Kokesh Held Without Bond for Filming Himself Performing an Utterly Harmless "Crime"


Anarcho-activist Adam Kokesh was ordered held without bond on charges of loading a forbidden shotgun in D.C. (an act he filmed as deliberate political theater), reports radio station WTOP in D.C.

From their report:

A D.C. Superior Court judge has ordered a veteran and activist accused of openly carrying a shotgun in D.C.'s Freedom Plaza held without bond.

During a preliminary hearing Monday, an attorney representing Adam Kokesh argued that the stunt -- filmed and posted on YouTube -- was nothing more than political theater.

The judge disagreed, ordering that Kokesh be held until his next court appearance.

"I consider your client to be a very dangerous man," the judge said. "This is not a political statement."

Kokesh next court date is scheduled for Aug. 13.

I see the reasoning---God forbid this man be free to once again commit an act of journalism/activism involving a completely harmless "crime" (loading a banned weapon in a forbidden place--a weapon perfectly legal to use in many other places in the United States with little to no harm to anyone.)

His real crime of course is his claim that he has the right to perform harmless acts the state forbids. That's very difficult for agents of the state to forgive.

Mike Riggs on the pointlessly excessive assault on Kokesh's home for this "crime." Me on the theater of phony consent in his trial.